The Importance of Having a Back up Lasting Power of Attorney

This week, I have had a very sad meeting with a family who has just received a diagnosis of early onset dementia. The gentleman concerned, is only 57 years of age and otherwise very fit and healthy. His wife had started to notice that his behaviour was changing about a year ago. He started becoming obsessive over things, that he would normally not even have noticed. He now faces a very daunting prognosis.

One of the reasons I was asked to meet with them is that the gentleman, is the only attorney for his aunt’s Lasting Power of Attorney. Thankfully she still retains full mental capacity and we are able to create a new document with fresh attorneys. This wouldn’t have been necessary if at the time of creating her original documents replacement attorneys had been appointed.

Much as no-one wants to think about these things happening it is always worth taking a ‘belt and braces’ approach to both Lasting Power of Attorney and Will writing. I always like to see a second tier for Attorneys, Executors, Guardians and beneficiaries. Once someone has gone to the time and expense of making these documents you want them to be robust enough of stand the test of time.

I suggest that my clients review their Wills every three years but this doesn’t mean that they necessarily need to be changed. As we go through the different stages of our lives, we have different needs and what is crucial when we have young children, is not relevant when we approach retirement. For the sake of a couple of hours, every few years you will ensure that you needs and wishes are met. When put like that, surely it’s worth taking the time and trouble to consider making or reviewing your Will and Lasting Power of Attorney.

Please don’t be caught out by this. Get in touch today to make a will or Lasting Power of Attorney.

Dementia: Make sure you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in Place

Dementia is a topic that is widely discussed and one that puts fear in the hearts of many, including mine. Watching my aunt slowly drift away from us, was a very sad and difficult process. For my uncle and cousins even more so. She was such a vibrant person, full of life and energy. When this terrible illness took hold, she was just 60 years of age. At first the doctors diagnosed her with depression but it soon became apparent that something much more sinister was going on. She gradually started to forget how to do simple tasks. Her behaviour became erratic and she would wonder off in her new world. Where, she had never been very religious during her life, pre dementia, she suddenly became a regular visitor to her local church and enjoyed signing along to all the hymns. Even after she had lost her speech she could still sing in church.

This cruel illness slowly stripped her of her memories until her daughter who had once been her best friend was no more than a familiar face. She became incontinent and eventually forgot how to eat, unable to swallow. After only four years of her illness she had completely forgotten who she was and her family. She had met my uncle when she was only 16 and he 18 years of age. They had enjoyed a long and happy marriage. This illness is completely heart breaking for all involved. My auntie sadly passed away after developing pneumonia. A treatable condition but due to the circumstances and the stage of her illness it was left untreated.

Having a health and welfare Lasting Power of Attorney in place, meant that at this devastating time the decision not to treat my aunt for her infection was made easier. It was something she had already been able to discuss with her family/attorneys and they were aware of her wishes, the guilt they felt at letting her go was lessened due to this.

Everyone needs a Lasting Power of Attorney in place for both Health & Welfare and Property and Finance, they are essential should you ever be unfortunate enough to lose mental capacity. Do it now! Get in touch today.

A Thanks For Richardson’s Wills

I have just received a lovely letter of thanks from a lady who is sadly very ill indeed. The fact that she has taken the trouble to write and thank me for my help in is really very touching. This lady was suddenly taken ill and rushed to hospital. I was able to attend to her needs from her hospital bed.

This week I had a call from a gentleman who I have helped with Lasting Power of Attorney. Which are now in the process of being registered. As anyone who has been through this process knows it is a timely business. Sadly this gentleman’s health has taken a turn for the worse and despite retaining mental capacity he feels unable to deal with his financial affairs. Really what he wanted to know was what could be done in the interim before the LPA’s return. I was able to visit him the same day and provide him with a General Power of Attorney that whilst he has mental capacity can be used in the interim until the LPA’s registration. He was very grateful for the speed at which I was able to provide a solution to his problem.

When people are unwell and nearing the end of their lives they need understanding, calm straight forward solutions. Time is of the essence and accuracy essential. As an independent business I can offer a bespoke service to all of my clients.

I have recently become an authorised representative of Kings Court Trust who deal with estate administration right done to the rehoming of pets if needed. The service they offer is brilliant and takes all of the stress of winding up a loved one’s affairs away. They apply for the grant of probate in their name, they contact all of the relevant establishments and even deal with insurance companies making sure that nothing is forgotten at what is always a difficult time.

Richardson’s Wills is going from strength to strength and I am really very proud of the level of service we are able to offer our clients.

New Love: Get your Inheritance in Order

With people living longer there are more of us finding love after the death of a spouse and entering into a new marriage in later life. It is so important to protect what we’ve built up over a life time. With simple planning you can ring fence your share in your home, along with other assets if you wish. We can help you plan for all eventualities and ensure your estate reaches the people you intend. I’m sure we all know of someone who has seen a parent’s estate go to a new spouse and their inheritance has been lost.

Don’t leave things to chance, let us help you plan for the future and guarantee the right people benefit from your life’s achievement.

If you’re looking for professional will writers in Bristol, Somerset or the surrounding areas, get in touch today to see how we can help.

Pause for Thought: It’s Time to Make Lasting Power of Attorney

Have you taken the time to consider what the consequences of a freak accident that would leave you unable to make your own decisions?
This could be anything from a stroke to a fall or even a car accident.
The harsh reality is that so many of us are unprepared for such an eventuality or unprepared to even give it thought…

Under a Lasting Power of Attorney you choose the people you trust to make decisions about your personal and financial welfare. This would include allowing your chosen attorneys to make decisions on your behalf if you where to lose mental capacity.

Without such documents your family would have to seek assistance from the Court of Protection (CoP). This would incur greater costs and stress at an already difficult time. The time it takes to provide financial support may be increased. It might also be the case that the CoP appoints a professional attorney or deputy.

Either way, it would surely be less hassle to create a document sooner rather than later.

If you would like to discus this further give me a call on 01275 851056, or get in touch today.